Wednesday 6 April 2016

Four Internet Safety Rules

1. I will think before I post.

Before you post anything online, must use that when you post that information that, it isn't any personal information or secrets about yourselves. Because any person could go online and see all your personal information

2. I will respect others online.

Before you post a comment or say something about someone online, you should think about how you would feel, if someone said that to you; how would you feel.

3. I will be careful when meeting online friends in person.

Meeting online people in person is one thing thing that you shouldn't do. First of all, you don't if the person is who they say they are. For example their has been many people that meet online people online and that person turn out to be the same gender as you and you are also dating that person or that person might be 40 years older than you. Second, get parents permission, so they know where you are, if anything happens. Also, you shouldn't meet that person at night or in a private area meet that person in broad daylight and in public area, like at a Tim Horton's.

4 . I will protect myself online.

Must use that you don't post too much information online. Must sure that the information you share isn't related to any secrets or personal information. Post things like: "I got a 97 in Computer Science and Technology 7/8."

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